Twitter Sharing Problem
PLEASE FIX TWITTER SHARE !!! Click on App Support and there is none here. Does anyone care that it doesnt work properly?? PLEASE fix Twitter Sharing Problem!!! I am reposting this on Dec 30, Nov 5, Nov 2 from Oct 29 from Sept 4 and Aug 24 and earlier posts because you still crash when trying to tweet due to your having too many characters in your Twitter sharing mode. Start deleting those extra characters to share and the app crashes. When I want to share an article which is everyday, I see there are already too many characters in your sharing mode because you are including your remarks and website. When I start erasing the extra letters to share or write my own remarks the App shuts down and defaults back to the article. This has always happened and I wonder if people who create these apps pay attention to the problems they create and use the App so they can fix these bugs. Please fix this because many more articles could be shared if you did not have this issue of overloading characters as a default method to share your App rather than just share the article itself. Thanks now PLEASE fix it so I can continue to share your work. Still waiting for months to fix this problem so we can share important news. If it were my app I would fire the developer because they dont seem to care if it works or not.
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